How to Play

It's an adventure that never ends. Final Fantasy has always been a finite experience, bounded by a story that reaches a definite conclusion. Not Final Fantasy XI, though. It's been going strong for more than two years in the US, and with the release of the Xbox 360 version this week, it's available to more gamers than ever before. Whether you've just grabbed the new 360 version or got interested because of the Treasures of Aht Urghan expansion pack that hit the PS2 and PC this week, we've got your back. Starting your life in Final Fantasy XI can be a confusing experience, but fear not. We've done all the hard work so you don't have to - our five-part beginner's guide isn't full of confusing terms only online game experts can comprehend. It provides vital information to help you make the best choices, so you can make the most of your time in the massive world of Vana'diel.
Day 1: Who do you think you are?
Like any great fantasy world, Vana'diel is full of different races. Which one fits?
Day 2: Get a job
You've picked your pack, now figure out what you want to do with your life
Day 3: MMO boot camp
Aggro. Monsters. Partying. We break down the essentials for the new FFXI player
Day 4: Going it alone
You can't always find comrades in arms. We'll teach you how to make the most of your "me time"
Day 5: Moving along
The adventure has just begun, but you'd better plan for the future. Did someone say "Chocobo?"
Who do you think you are?
The first - and most important - step in any massively multiplayer online RPG is creating your character. The good news: Final Fantasy XI is the most flexible of any of the current crop of MMOs, and is designed so that players won't need a stable of different characters. Because of that, you'd better pick one you want to stick with for a while.
A character is defined by his or her race, nation and job. We'll detail the game's jobs tomorrow. For now, we'll help you figure out who you want to be and where you should start - and teach you how to get your friends in on the action.

Above: Galka, male and female Tarutaru, male Hume, male Elvaan, female Hume, female Elvaan and Mithra party down in preperation for being chosen ... by you Hume
Humes are ... human. Like all fantasy humans, they are well-rounded and have average stats, making them good candidates for any job. Their most remarkable trait is how unremarkable they are.
It's a fantasy, so you've got to have elves, right? The Elvaan are physically resilient and strong, but their gangly limbs and long necks hinder their dexterity, and their magical power isn't the best. Elvaan are ideally suited to hands-on fighting jobs and protecting other players, but they're serviceable in any job with the right gear.
The pin-ups of Vana'diel, this cat-like race's matriarchal traditions only allow females to adventure. Extremely agile, Mithra have the highest natural dexterity and agility of any of the races. Though other players hit on them often, they can't take many hits from monsters and have average magical ability. While their base stats make them the best Thieves and Rangers, they can strut their stuff in any job.
These muscular hulks are the least popular race in Vana'diel and are the most inflexible of the five races, but their particular advantages are striking. Their massive bodies give them a huge stockpile of hit points, vitality and other important stats for giving and taking damage. Sadly, their tiny noggins make them poor mages without all but the best gear.

Vana'diel is controlled by three nations: the Republic of Bastok, the Kingdom of San d'Oria and the Federation of Windurst. Though all three have been allied since defeating the Shadow Lord in the great war 20 years ago, they are still in friendly competition for the land and its resources.
While the nation you pick isn't exactly important, it can enhance your enjoyment of the game as you begin. Each nation has its own distinctive storyline and missions, and a few pieces of exclusive gear available to them.
If you pick a nation that is home to your character's race, you'll be rewarded with a useful magical ring as you start your adventure. This will be quickly chucked, though, so it shouldn't be the basis of your decision, as you won't be able to change nations anytime soon.
The best way to decide? Pick the one that looks coolest to you and enjoy it.
The Republic of Bastok
Native Races: Hume, Galka

The Kingdom of San d'Oria
Native Races: Elvaan
The Kingdom of San d'Oria has seen better times. Their Beastman rivals, the Orcish, have established a stronghold in the heart of their lands, and royal squabbles concern the citizens. San d'Oria itself is a medieval fantasy mainstay, with gray stone castles and houses inside high walls, and is home to the chivalrous Elvaan - who hate outsiders. The abundant forests and mountains of the Ronfaure region provide materials for San d'Oria's famous Woodworking, Leatherworking and Smithing guilds.
San d'Oria's story is one of religion and politics. The main cathedral of Vana'diel's dominant religion, which worships the Dawn Goddess Altana, is located in San d'Oria, and the interests of the San d'Orian royalty, the Church and the people often collide.
The Federation of Windurst
Native Races: Tarutaru, Mithra
Once vicious warlords, the adorable Tarutaru have shed their violent ways and now strive to live in peace and harmony - including futile negotiations with the local Beastmen. Windurst lies in a vast magical savanna, but recently the magic in the area has been on the decline.Thiscreates various problems for the nation and its ruler, the tiny but prophetic Star Sibyl. Windurst is home to the Clothcrafter's, Boneworker's and Culinarian guilds.
Playing with your friends
Final Fantasy XI features a somewhat confusing server balancing system, centered around codes called "worldpasses." While the system definitely works, you're going to need some tips to get the most out of it.

There are two kinds of worldpasses, normal and gold. Normal worldpasses are usually cheaper, but can be used five times before they expire. There are no benefits to using a normal worldpass besides saving your in-game money.
Gold worldpasses have a low, fixed cost and have a number of benefits that come with them, most notably a slew of free items. Gold worldpasses can only be used once and cost a little more, but many will find the additional items worthwhile.
Once you've purchased your worldpass, you have one week before it expires. Simply give the code number and your server name to your friends, and have them input those into the game when asked. Soon, you'll be adventuring together.