Winterfrost Legacy is a free-to-play 2.5D browser MMORPG set in a mythical world inhabited by humans, orc, and elves. The world is threatened by undead warriors seeking vengeance on the king who banished them long ago. In their quest for retribution, the undead warriors inadvertently release a powerful demon hell-bent on destroying the world. As heir to the throne and as a Child of the Winterfrost Prophecy, players are tasked with saving the world from impending doom. The game’s graphics are good, with colorful and detailed environments, flashy effects during combat, and awesome artwork. The sounds, however, are nothing special and seems like it was ported over from one of R2Games’ previous titles.
The Child of Prophecy
Before players start fulfilling any prophecy, or save the world, they must create their characters. Players are given the option of choosing from one of four iconic classes: Warrior, Mage, Rogue, or Shaman. Without a character customization feature in place, and since all the classes follow the same storyline, class-choice depends on personal preference. Or, in my case, which of them looks cooler. After creating their characters, players go through an unskippable prologue that also serves as a basic tutorial, similar to previous R2Game titles. Throughout the course of the game tooltips appear to guide the player through new gameplay elements like distributing skill points, recruiting mercenaries, and setting up party formations. The game also constantly bombards players with microtransaction offers and discounts on Gems, the game’s premium currency. Unfortunately, there’s no way to turn both features off so you’ll have to deal with it. On a positive note, you do get to see scantily clad angels when offers pop-up, which makes things a bit more bearable.
Beguiling Guardians Winterfrost Legacy is basically League of Angels with a different story, better graphics, and even more alluring angels (called Guardians). Surprisingly, it has all the makings of a good MMORPG, including a good story, quests, dungeons, mounts, end-game raiding, and clan wars, if it weren’t for the fact that the game virtually plays itself with minimal interaction required from the player—another R2Games trademark. Quests, which usually involve clearing instanced dungeons, are how characters gain experience points needed to level up. Character skills, as well as certain game features such as the Tavern, are automatically unlocked by reaching specific levels. Not a problem considering that game progression is incredibly fast and easy, yet another thing that Winterfrost Legacy has with its predecessors. I reached level 5 within seconds of starting the game by simply speaking to two NPCs, and level 45 in less than an hour without even breaking a sweat. While this gives players the ability to experience end-game content faster, it makes the game feel like child’s play and I like my games with a bit of challenge to them.
Recruiting Mercenaries Combat in Winterfrost Legacy features a turn-based combat system similar to classic RPG’s. Players attack using one of the skills bound to their hotbar. Unfortunately, players have no control over which enemy unit their skills target. There’s an auto-combat option which is basically the same as regular combat except that the AI chooses the skills for you. Players also have control of their character’s position in the party along with any mercenaries they recruit. Players up front receive the brunt of damage from enemies and are perfect for tanks while units in the back receive less and are suitable for ranged DPS characters. While I do like the concept of being able to recruit mercenaries and having free reign on party formation, having absolutely no control over them defeats the purpose of the feature, other than making the game even less challenging than it already is. It’s bad enough that players can usually kill an enemy with one shot without adding powerful AI units to the mix.
Clan Wars Players who want to engage in PVP can join 1vs1 arena battles as soon as they hit level 40. They can also join Clans, or form their own, and join Clan Wars that take place twice a week at specific times. Players must be at least level 50 to participate in Clan Wars. During Clan Wars, the number one clan must defend their gate’s statues for 20 minutes. They win the match and receive a victory point if they succeed. Should they fail, they will be replaced by the attacking team until time runs out. The winning clan receives a buff that raises the merit they earn from merc trials and gold obtained from Crypt battles. The clan leader also receives the title “King of Clans,” while participating members get the title “Kings Watch.” All participants receive a participation prize if they stay for more than five minutes.
Cash Shop
The fact that the game shamelessly bombards players with microtransactions at every turn should probably be enough to tell you that this is a pay to win game. Players can unlock guardians and buy gems that permanently increase stats as well as a variety of overpowered wings that grant huge bonuses to character stats. The items definitely break the game’s PVP aspect. The rest of the game however, with its automated gameplay, overpowered mercs, and relatively easy opponents shouldn’t be overly-affected, other than make things even easier for players. The Final Verdict - Good Winterfrost Legacy is another production-line MMORPG from R2Games. I’ve played a bunch of their games and, surprisingly, they're starting to grow on me. The super-easy automated gameplay and the microtransaction bombardment might be a little off-putting, but you gotta love Winterfrost Legacy’s artwork—scantily clad angels aside. The game also features a storyline that may seem cliché, with its good versus evil plot, but still mildly interesting to say the least. Overall, Winterfrost Legacy is eye-candy and definitely not recommended for hardcore gamers. Play Now
Play Now Magerealm: Rise of Chaos is a free-to-play 3D browser fantasy MMORPG developed by Youzu Games and published by GTArcade. The game went into open-beta on June 18, 2015 and can be played through GTArcade’s game portal.
magerealm rise of chaos loading screen
Magerealm: Rise of Chaos is set in a mythical world where players assume the role of the last surviving mage after the complete destruction of the Holy City, following a battle between the powerful mages Freya and the traitorous Anders. Players wake up weaker than they once were and set out on a quest to find out exactly what happened to the Holy City while working to stop Anders and his hoard of demons from taking over the world. The game’s graphics look really good for a browser-game when compared to other similar games like League of Angels and Monkey King Online. It features beautifully-done artwork, stylish gear, and cool flashy effects. The interface, however, is a bit cluttered which is usually common in these types of games. The audio is also good and changes from thunderous tribal music to serene melodies depending on the environment.
The Holy City
Players start off by choosing from one of three pre-made gender-locked characters. Unfortunately, like most browser games, Magerealms lacks any sort of customization feature apart from naming. After choosing their characters, players are treated to a quick cut-scene which shows the Demon Lord making quick work of the city guards with one powerful attack. Most of the game will be punctuated with these types of cut-scenes to move the story along. After which, players complete a series of quests as a high-level character which culminates in a fight against the Demon Lord. The game lacks a formal tutorial but instead relies on tooltips to walk players through most, if not all, of the gameplay elements.
Child’s Play Auto-pathing and auto-combat have become a staple of most browser MMORPG’s, and Magerealm is no different. While auto-pathing and auto-combat do have their perks—like not having to walk to the next NPC, for example—it makes the game a too easy. Some might even hesitate to call it a game, considering that you can get through most of the game by simply clicking on one button. Although, you can still play manually if you want to. The tool-tips also seem over-the-top since they tell players exactly when and what to do, even for gameplay features that have been previously covered. When you gain a new skill, for example, tooltips tell you exactly which buttons to click. This is OK the first time, but when it happens every single time you gain a new skill that’s just too much. Even equipping newly-looted items can be done with a single click of a button. I’m all for convenience but, personally, too much hand-holding can ruin a perfectly good game.
Down To The Basics
Magerealm: Rise of Chaos is pretty much your standard-fare MMORPG and has almost everything players look for in one, including dungeons, companions, mounts, raids, and crafting. And, like typical MMORPG’s, the game is reliant on breadcrumb quests to move players from one area to the next and move the story along, while rewarding players with in-game currency, gear, and experience points needed to make them stronger. Quests reward players with plenty of experience points to make character progression fast and easy. I was able to get to level 20 in just under an hour. Dungeons come in different forms, and range from the typical mob-runs to more unique types like smashing as many eggs as you can within a time limit. This adds variety to the game which is rarely seen in browser games. Combat uses the classic point-and-click and Tab-targetting system—not really important if you’re going to use the game’s auto-path and auto-combat feature, but worth mentioning anyway. Players’ stats automatically increase as the player gains levels and acquires better gear. Skills, on the other hand, need to be manually unlocked and improved by spending Amethysts, that players can get from quests or by participating in Daily Events.
Heroes and Angels
Taking on the baddies can be tough without companions to help players out especially since most, if not all, the quests are completed solo. Fortunately, Magerealm lets players recruit from a large roster of angels and heroes that they can summon to help them in battle. Guardian angels do not participate in combat; however, they grant players buffs and access to powerful spells that they can cast when in a pinch. Heroes, on the other hand, are more like mercenaries and actively assist players during combat. Players can only have one Guardian Angel at a time and up to two Heroes in their party. As players progress through the game they will be rewarded with a variety of free heroes. Unfortunately, only one Guardian Angel is given for free. More heroes can be recruited from the Recruit Heroes menu, where players get to randomly draw for training materials needed to recruit heroes. Players can also use diamonds, the game’s premium currency, to increase their chances.
Honor and Prestige
Like most MMORPG’s Magerealm let’s players duke it out in old-fashioned PVP combat. Aside from the usual 1v1 Arena-style combat, that players can unlock upon reaching level 29, players can also create their own PVP rooms to challenge both friends and rivals. Players can also enter Competitive Mode, provided that they’ve finished their daily PVP quests. In competitive mode players can challenge any player regardless of level. If normal PVP isn’t enough players can also join Prizefights where both players place their bets and the winner takes all. In all PVP modes players gain Prestige and Honor points regardless of whether they win or lose the match. Prestige points determine the player’s PVP ranking, while Honor points can be exchanged for rare items in the Honor Shop. Diamonds Are a Player’s Best Friend Suprisingly, unlike most free-to-play browser games, Magerealm isn’t too heavy-handed when it comes to the cash shop. Players aren’t bombarded with pop-up boxes urging them to buy premium items. The cash shop contains the usual upgrade items, as well as rare heroes and angels that players can exchange for diamonds, the game’s premium currency. Players can also buy costumes and convenience items like potions and keys to open rare dungeon chests. In my opinion, the game is more pay-for-convenience rather than the usual pay-to-win schemes found in most browser-based games.
The Final Verdict – Great
For a browser game, Magerealms: Rise of Chaos has almost everything a player looks for in an MMORPG. It also features better graphics than your usual browser-based game along with cool artwork and audio. The Prizefight PVP mode is also a great touch and allows players to put more on the line aside from their pride and honor. The game also has a very large playerbase and a highly-responsive community. While the game would definitely have been better without the auto-combat system, the game is still fun to play and offers a wide variety of features that can keep a casual player occupied for hours on end. If flashy effects, scantily-clad women, and PVP-focused gameplay is your thing give this game a shot. Play Now
Being new to a game like TERA can be difficult for newer players, especially with its innovative combat system and politics system that can catch you off guard and make you scratch your head. That’s why Ten Ton Hammer has put together five tips for the new TERA player that is sure to answer those questions meandering around in your head and help get you on the path to victory.
Racials are not super important in TERA because they are all normalized and useful to all classes. This isn’t 100% true, for instance your armor type determines how easy it is for you to be knocked down, so the Human racial is a lot better for squishy characters. Castanics have a movement speed increase, which is great for slower classes as well, but the cooldown is 30 minutes, so not that super huge of a deal.
What is more important than racials is a character’s hitbox. TERA is an action based game which means you’ll need to aim the targeting reticle over a character in order to damage or heal them. This means that characters who want to receive heals (Lancers) will want a bigger hitbox while squishy characters will want to pick Elin or Popori for the smaller hitbox.
Of course, you can pick any race you want and be viable, but be aware that in PvP and in PvE, the size of your character is relevant to your role. It’s very hard for a healer to heal a smaller character and likewise, it’s harder for an enemy to target a smaller character as well. So just be aware that size matters in TERA.
TERA assigns a hard role to each class and each class adheres strongly to that role. For instance, a Lancer is a tank and is dedicated to drawing the attention of the enemy and mitigating the damage. Lancers, due to being the only tank, receive near instant queues in the instance finder but also have the lowest DPS and a very difficult time questing.
On the other side, DPS classes are frail and fragile, only capable of outputting DPS. Support characters, while capable of soloing, will find that it’s easier to join a group and use their support skills to level and PvP.
Bringing in the previous tip, it’s also important to understand each classes specific role. For instance, Warriors are evasion tanks; they shouldn’t be hit while tanking. This also means that picking a race with a smaller hitbox is fine because they shouldn’t need much healing in combat.
As for as the best class in TERA, it’s hard to say, each one has its own niche role and details about each class are given at the character select screen. Play the class that sounds the most fun to you, but do understand a few caveats. As mentioned, Lancers and support classes are hard to play solo and Warriors are very difficult to play well because they need to physically avoid attacks in order to tank.
It’s important to understand the different kinds of servers. PVE servers do not allow any non-consensual form of PvP. You’ll need to seek out PvP with other players and agree to fight one another before you can start fighting it out.
PvP servers allow consensual PvP anywhere in the world (except for cities, instance entrances, and a few other areas) as long as a player flags themselves as an outlaw. One thing to keep in mind is that a player needs to tag themselves for PvP before they can attack another player (by becoming an “Outlaw”). Outlaws can not only attack other Outlaws, but other players as well, meaning that you can find yourself in a PvP battle even if you’re flagged yourself. Players below level 11 are not capable of being attacked or flagging themselves as Outlaws.
The RP server is for roleplayers and includes a set of specific rules that prohibit OOC (out of character) dialog and strict naming conventions. Those who enjoy roleplay will find the RP server to be a welcoming home. The current RP server, Celestial Hills, is also a PvE server.
Gearing yourself out in TERA isn’t simple, you’ll need to work hard to get all of your equip slots filled with valuable loot. You’ll need to work even harder to make sure your Stamina is at 120%, that you have as many buffs up as possible, that your broken crystals get replace, and that your skills are properly glyphed.
Stamina: Stamina is regenerated at campfires and provides an increase to damage, damage reduction, health, and mana. Stamina can be purchased from NPCs in town instead of being regenerated at a campfire (just idle near a campfire and it will go up). Death will cause your stamina to drop to 0% (20% for Baraka). Stamina is also drained during combat. At or above 100% stamina allows for the use of talismans at a campfire which gives you an additional buff. The timer on the buff won’t start until you enter combat.
Buffs: Buffs come in lots of different ways, like the talisman on the campfire, from gathering materials, from mystics, and from items. You’ll want to be buffed so that you’re as tough as possible in the world, because each buff helps immensely with health/mana regeneration along with combat. Be sure to gather as many resource nodes as possible as you explore the world and use a talisman every chance you get.
Crystals: Enhancement crystals allow you to customizer your armor and weapons with additional stats. However, on death, there is a chance your enhancement crystals will break. Always keep tons of backups in your inventory whenever you’re doing an instance or active on a PvP server because you never know when you’ll die and one of your crystals will shatter.
Glyphs: At level 20 you’ll be able to glyph your skills to improve them. Make sure to get this done as soon as possible because the boost is impressive.
The last and most important tip is to practice aiming and movement. Combat is different in TERA. Enemies do not “lock on” to you (well, some do, but it’s their special skill). Most enemies will face the character with the highest threat, charge up their attack (which will show some kind of warning, each enemy has a different way of showing it) and then assault the direction that they are facing. It’s up to you, the player, to relocate yourself away from their line of attack. The only exception is the Lancer, who is the only class designed to take the blows.
Along with movement, it’s also important to learn how to aim properly. Failure to aim properly can drastically lower your DPS, put your allies at the risk of dying, or waste important mana. Melee attacks have a “cooldown” period after you swing in order to regain control of your character to move and turn. Spells generally have some tricky ways of launching themselves out (like x meters in front of you). So it’s always good to know how your abilities work and the best way to utilize them.
Aiming comes in a few flavors. The first is the general “launch” attack, where you either swing your weapons or throw elemental destruction in front of you. These attacks can sometimes also move your character forward. The second is the ground targeted spells; these give you a targeting circle on the ground to use to determine where you cast. The final is the “skill shot.” These skills have an advanced way of aiming/targeting, like x meters in front of you, and require you to be on you’re A game to utilize correctly.
There are also lock-on abilities, but these require you to use the skill and “target” allies with your targeting reticle. Some abilities will even allow you to charge them up for additional distance or damage.
Oh, finally, looking for where to redeem your TERA preorder / collector items? Press ALT or ESC on your keyboard, go to Activites > Item Claim > Account Items. Oh, and one more final tip. Did you know you can play with a controller?
Need some bare bones basics? Check out My Ten Basics Every TERA Player Should Know, you just might learn something!
1 - Fixing the tiny font size
If you've stepped into TERA and everything’s looking great, go ahead and skip this step--you’re golden. But if you’re like some, you might find that text is too tiny to read, even with your dorky reading glasses on.
TERA’s UI is scalable and somewhat customizable, but figuring out what makes it tick can involve some trial and error. Hopefully, we can save you the hassle.
Hit O to bring up the options menu and then go into “UI Settings” (so far, this is intuitive)
Move the slider under “Scale All UI” until things look big enough to read
Unfortunately, you’ll probably find that making the UI scale larger has made the chat box enormous. Before you mess with your UI options any further, save your current settings and back out of the options menu
Click on the little gear icon in the upper left corner of the chat box. Select “Current Tabs,” and then “Set Font Size.” Adjust the font size so it isn’t enormous.
You may notice that your chat box still bleeds into your other UI elements such as your hot bar. There’s an app…er, a fix for that. Hit O to go back into the options menu, then back into “UI Settings.”
Under “Scale Combat Elements” you can adjust the size of your hot bar and other screen elements so that everything fits and is readable. More or less.
Word on the street is that this particular problem is on the developer’s list of issues to address. Until it’s fixed, however, you’re welcome.
2 - I see gold spammers
It’s inevitable, isn’t it? You’re going to encounter players spamming general chat trying to get you to buy gold from some hinky site. In fact, you might even see them from the moment you reach the Isle of Dawn. Do yourself and everyone else a favor--report them.
Simply left click on the spammer’s user name in the chat panel, click “Report,” and then use the drop-down menu to select the nature of your report. Once you’re done there, you can go ahead and click the user’s name again and select “Block.” Until a GM is able to ban the spamming evildoer, their annoying text will not darken your chat again.
3 - Find your pre-order/Collector’s Edition stuff
So, you pre-ordered TERA but you don’t know where to find your promised goodies. No problem! Hit ALT to bring up the Activities Menu. Select the Account tab, then look for “Item Claim.” Voila! 4 - Take a screenshot
TERA is a gorgeous game, so you’ll no doubt want to capture some screenshots. You can turn off the UI by hitting CTRL + Z. Take a screenshot by pressing PrtScn on your keyboard. After you’ve taken a screenshot, TERA will post the file’s location in your chat interface. Take note of it, because those screens can be a little challenging to find later on.
5 - Gathering can get you buffs.
Gathering has a benefit besides yielding you crafting resources--you also have a chance to get a random temporary buff when harvesting a node, and those buffs can stack up to three times granting you things like boost to your healing or attack speed. You also get XP for gathering.
Although there’s a quick gathering tutorial early in the game, you don’t have to train for gathering, so you can start from the moment you first spot a node. To make things even easier, nodes are marked on your mini map as a cluster of three dots. A yellow dot at the top of the triangle means its a mining node, green is for plants, and blue is for essences. [Thanks to a Ten Ton Hammer reader for the color coding tip!]
6 - You gotta break some eggs…
After you’ve completed some quests, you might see eggs (Lucky Eggs, Destiny Eggs) appear in your inventory bag. Right clicking the eggs will crack them open and net you a random consumable item. Or, if your inventory space allows for it, you can buy Ovomeld from a general merchant and collect eggs to combine them into Fortune Eggs, which yield even better consumable items.
UPDATE: Eggs were recently removed from TERA, so they're no longer available, although a few players may have eggs in their inventory leftover from beta/headstart. So since this tip is no longer valid, we've added a bonus tip at the end of the guide. 7 - Get in the first hit
The first hit tags an enemy, meaning if you're part of a queue waiting for a quest mob you'll need to whack the mob first to get credit. This gets difficult when you're a melee class with a long windup, such as the Berserker or Lancer. And if that becomes a problem for you, proceed to the next tip…
8 - Too many players on the dance floor…
Occasionally, you’ll run into an area that happens to be overrun with players who are all looking for the same quest mobs you are. Fortunately, TERA allows you to switch channels if an outdoor zone is overcrowded. You’ll find a drop-down for channels in the upper right of your screen. Select a channel with a low population and you’ll be back to smacking down monsters in no time…with a lot less competition.
9 - Be careful what you shoot at
Remember Captain Ramius’s line to Jack Ryan as they’re deep in the belly of a nuclear submarine reactor chasing after an armed saboteur in The Hunt for Red October?: “Be careful what you shoot at; most things in here don’t react too well to bullets.”
Similarly, if you’re not careful with your aim (especially if you play a ranged class), you’re likely to find that most gentle mobs become angry if you ping them with a stray spell or arrow. If you’re unaccustomed to combat that requires you to aim with a target reticle, flailing around while holding down your left mouse button may cause you to bite off more aggro than you want to chew. At lower levels, this amounts to nothing more than some temporary irritation. As mobs get more difficult, though, you’re going to want to be careful to tick off only the monsters you’re actually trying to hit. 10 - Set up chain skills
Gaining levels means gaining skills. (Duh.) You can access your skills menu by pressing K, and then click and drag skills to your hot bar. (They won’t automagically appear there as they do in other MMOs you may have played.)
You can (and should) also create chain skills, where using one skill automatically triggers another follow-up skill. To set up chain skills, hit K to open the skills menu, then select “Chain Skills.” Click and drag your trigger skill to the box marked “Skill,” and your follow up to the one marked “Chain skill.”
To use chain skills, activate your trigger skill. You’ll see a notification appear telling you that you can use your chain skill. Trigger your hotkey (the default is the space bar, but you can change it in the skills menu), and the chain skill will activate.
Bonus Tip: Stamina matters!
As you engage in combat your stamina will degrade, which also degrades your maximum health and mana pool. Keeping your stamina up is important, and for that TERA has campfires. You'll find them scattered around the game--you can stand beside them to regenerate your stamina. You can also get campfires as dropped items or purchase them from general merchants. It's a good idea to have some on hand for when you're far away from civilization.
While you're standing by a campfire, you can burn different types of charms (open your inventory and right click them) for random combat buffs. Charms of the same type don't stack, so be careful not to overwrite something particularly useful.
Game of war. First truly global online strategy game. Befriend, chat, help and destroy people from all over the world in this real time game. My most favorite game, its just real fighting game, and you must aware 24 hours about your Castle, your force and material you have. if you miss forgotten any
thing about game, You loose every thing , Billion Trillion your force and material will destroy in minus which you collect in over a year, yes its Truth. I think this is only bad thing in this game.
I played this game tow years, what a game, you can attack any where you want, how much time you want, take revenge any time, You have just like real friends, and have Alliance, friend support you with heavy force any where you want. I not see any Game Like this. Its only for ios and Android Devices. Sorry Friends. its not for Computer, But I love this game, so I include this game in My favorite game List.
Game of War is an addictive RTS style game for the iPhone, iPad and Android that delivers a lot of fun and a good amount of frustration. You can use our Game of War tips and tricks, Game of War strategies and what you need to be a better player. Officially the name of this game is Game of War – Fire Age, but most users simply call it Game of War.
This is not the same type of game as Clash of Clans or Boom Beach, but it is similar and remains a fun fix for mobile gamers who want to build an empire and use strategy to wipe out an opponent.
The Game of War setting is in an ancient civilization, which leads to a variety of gameplay elements and is also why you get to see Kate Upton in armor and ancient greek or roman settings in the many Game of War ads.
To do well, you need a Game of War strategy that includes building, researching, defending and attacking. You cannot play this game with a singular focus.
One of our favorite Game of War tips is to quickly build a great city with 60,000 power in less than an hour. This makes it possible to start the game with enough power to start getting things done and it can help avoid the frustrations of starting up. Keep in mind that one of the goals of Game of War is to convince you to spend real world money on in-game items. There are pop ups, bouncing icons and dozens of interruptions solely with a focus on getting you to buy in-app purchases to upgrade your army with real cash.
You will not find reliable and realistic Game of War cheats or hacks that you can use. Most of these promise unlimited upgrades and in-game items, but only exist to get you to fill out a survey or to give up control of your account. You cannot close the game and change the time on your device to make Game of War build faster, so you will need these Game of War tips and strategy guides to get ahead.
Game of War is free for iPhone & iPad, Android and Amazon Fire devices.
With Game of War hacks out of the question, you’ll need to focus on your Game of War strategy using these easy to follow tips and tricks.
First off all, as usual for this type of game, you have a main stat that takes into account your offensive and defensive potential, and building that up is one of your main goals. In this game, it's creatively named Power, and besides the actual troops and defenses you create, it also takes everything you build or upgrade into account. Also as usual for this type of game, you'll be drip-fed a bunch of quests, and if you follow them, your power will naturally build. But you've read to the second paragraph without scrolling down to make a sarcastic comment, and I see that glint in your eye - you want more Power, faster. Well, let's just show you how to do that, while everyone else fools around upgrading their farms because the game told them to. Join An Alliance
The first tip I'll give you is to join an alliance as soon as you can. Alliances offer many benefits including protection from attacks and helping speed up your timers for construction and research. Until your stronghold reaches level six, you'll have access to a free teleport that you can use to teleport your city to a location nearby your alliance friends. This is important for protection purposes and coordinating attacks. If you've already passed stronghold level six, you can only teleport with the use of a rather costly item found in your alliance's shop, so it's better to do this while it's free. Resources
You have 24 spaces to allocate to resources. There are a few different viable ways to go with dividing things up. Like in other games of this type, food is pretty important if you're going to have a large standing army, and you're going to want a large standing army, but there are some differences here that might lead you to take a different approach. Here are the three best methods I've discovered through experience and polling other players.
mzl.apbmfmra.1136x1136-75High food Production:
This is probably the most popular choice. With this style, you'll want to build 21 farms and have just one each of the other three resources. While you'll never have a problem with food with this set-up, and it's very effective early on, you're almost definitely going to need to find an alternative way of acquiring the other three resources, and that way is mostly going to be picking fights with others. Luckily, with all that food, you should have a pretty large standing army to do so.
Balanced: Another popular choice, as with this set-up you probably won't be short on anything too often. For this style, you'll want to build 10 farms, and four each of the other resources. This will leave you with two spaces to do with what you will, based on what type of units you favor. This is my preferred approach.
Low food production: This one is kind of risky, but I met a few high-level players that used this to good effect. In this set-up, you have one farm and spend the other spaces on a mix of the other resources. See, the funny thing is, while your army will consume food, they actually won't starve to death if you don't have any food. Naturally, you need food for things other than just feeding your standing army, but food is more easily gathered through completing missions and attacking others than the other resources are. Stronghold: As the heart of your city, leveling up your stronghold allows you to level up other vital buildings. As long as you've already found an alliance and cashed in your free teleport, you'll want to get your stronghold level up to level eight as soon as possible.
Villas: You're going to want a lot of these, probably around ten. Besides the four resources you'll generate outside the walls of your city, you'll also need silver. Silver is vital for research and research is vital for the next stage of our plan. Upgrade these villas a few times to make sure the silver is flowing. As silver is the one resource you cannot protect with your storehouse, it's vital to make sure you can re-acquire it quickly in the wake of an attack.
mzl.iuspsqre.1136x1136-75Gymnos: Make sure you have one of these and don't let it fall behind in levels. If the worst happens and you need to replace your hero, a properly leveled gymnos will ensure you aren't starting from scratch.
Hospitals: A lot of beginning players overlook hospitals, but they're absolutely vital. If you're attacked and you have no hospitals, all of the troops that fall in battle will be lost. Hospitals ensure your troops will be back up on their feet and ready to fight again. You'll probably want around six hospitals in the long run. Barracks:
Besides allowing you to train new soldiers, these give a defensive bonus and improve your queue capacity for your troops. You'll probably want about four of these for now.
Storehouse: This protects your resources, except for silver, in the likely event you are attacked. Keep it leveled according to the amount of resources you keep on hand. Don't let it fall too far behind, or you'll regret it.
Academy: Leveling up the academy gives you access to advanced soldiers, defenses, and more. As with the stronghold, you'll want to get your academy up to level eight as soon as possible, so that you can research advanced troops.
As you acquire the advanced buildings, you can tear down some of your extra villas, barracks, or hospitals at your own discretion. Advanced Troops
The key to building your power more quickly than other players in the early stages of Game of War is to reach the second level troops as soon as possible. In order to unlock them, you'll need a level eight academy, along with a bunch of resources you'll probably already have at the time and 180,000 silver. This is why you want to level up your academy as fast as possible. As research consumes a lot of silver, make sure you aren't throwing your silver away researching any old thing before you unlock at least one of the advanced troop types. As you need to research each type independently, it's probably best to choose one initially and go for that one. Make sure any other research you do complements this goal.
Distributing Hero Skill Points The top prizes on your hero's skill tree in the beginning are Troop Attack, Research, Troop Training, and Construction. These will give bonuses to your attacking troops and speed up the timers on research, training, and construction. After that, you'll want to make your way down the left side of the skill tree to reach the advanced unit type you decided on in the last section. Max them out, and after that, it's up to you. Odds And Ends
Make sure you that whenever you play, you take on an alliance quest and a daily quest. They're just timers, so you don't need to do anything, and they'll provide free rewards. Don't forget to claim your rewards from the quest tab of the menu, either, because they expire after a day.
You can change your name, avatar picture, and hero design all via items found in the special tab of your inventory. The game doesn't really tell you this, so I thought I'd throw it out there for everyone who's tired of using the generic handle you start with.
If it looks like an overwhelming force is coming and your troops stand no chance, march them out to anywhere for a while so that they don't get wiped out. You can call them back after the flames have gone out.
After a lot of playing and talking to other players about their approaches, I believe this is a strong approach for beginners in Game of War: Fire Age. If you follow this advice, your Power level should soar, and you'll soon have a powerful army to be reckoned with while others are still wasting their time following the bread crumb trail. Have fun, keep your head down, and your stick on the ice!
This is new game is receiving a lot of brilliant and positive feedback from everyone playing and I am now ready to create a guide for all new players so they can play the game to the best experience and enjoy it as much as the rest of us have. This will be a community constructed guide, to provide feedback please post in the comments section below
If you have not got a key and you are wondering how to do so the best way is to check out the Innogames Forge of Empires Facebook Page which will provide keys for a limited amount of users every now and then. Please remember this is an Exclusive Preview, things will change and this guide will try keep up with it.
When you first login to the game you are thrown straight into the tutorial, the tutorial has been found easy and self explanatory to players so I will not go into much detail about it, if anybody wishes I should explain a point please mention this and I will add it. Tutorial
You can use your Town Hall to check Battle History, Edit your profile which involves changing your city name and also your avatar image. You also use it to check how many goods you have and also collect a daily 500 coin bonus.
Once you gain a more free reign of your city and you are able to build properly, you should consider rearranging your city to maximize your current space. This is how mine looks currently to give you an idea: City Layout. As you can see I am utilizing the space i have been provided with to ensure maximum output and efficiency and to start off with a nice active start will give you a great head into the game, if you know you are an active player it is better to have a ton of Huts producing every 5 minutes instead of stilt houses producing every 15 minutes, you gain more.
All building need to be connected by a road or a path to function and all roads have to be linked up to the town hall. The majority of decorations do not require roads to function and therefore you should use space in which you cannot build to maximize the use of these decorations. By using the space you have been provided with efficiently (Check my above layout link) you can maximize space for your buildings. Everything in your city can be moved and relocated however you cannot rotate buildings.
Another key thing to remember is that you are limited to your grid system, and because you cannot rotate the buildings you are limited heavily because some buildings are for as shown in this example picture, designed to make you thing about your layout.
You always need to think carefully about your layout and most likely will have to continually shuffle your village around as you expand as the game goes on.
Also you may be wondering what the green smiley face means on the right.
I recommend you keep your happiness at a 140% level throughout the game, at first the bonus output is minimal but as you advance you will notice how much it benefits your growth by giving you a 120% production bonus.
Another thing for new players is that Supplies will spoil if they are not collected fast enough. A formula has not be found yet for the right amount of time but if you leave it too long they can spoil and waste, gold coins do not spoil so you do not need to worry about them. When Supplies spoil you will see this occurring instead of the normal icon, when you click it you collect nothing and merely clear the building to produce more.
Now you first encounter Diamonds on a side-quest when you are given them as a reward (or you notice them at the start and wonder what they are. Well here is the explanation, Diamonds are the Premium function for this game. To purchase diamonds you simply click on the plus located on the right which brings up a pop-up for you to purchase diamonds, to return to the game simply click at the bottom. Now diamonds can be used in many different ways: Purchasing Forge Points, Research Unlocks, Completing Researches, Negotiating a Province, Recovering and Restoring Troops After Battle and many more! Diamonds are an extremely useful purchase and any that are purchased benefit you and Innogames ensuring the game we all enjoy playing is continually improved for our playing delight.
Forge points, located at the top and explained in the tutorial are used for research. You gain one forge point an hour and currently have a 10 point limit, once you reach that limit the timer stops and you cannot gain anymore points. Using points will then restart the hour/60:00 timer. These do not spoil and can be used whenever and however you wish on research.
As you continue on in the game you are wondering what is most beneficial to research first, well if you followed the tutorial you should look like this now on the research: Research Path
So next what should you research? well if like me you have utilized your space and now you have ran out then the obvious choice to me is to research “The Wheel” this unlocks a land expansion which is extremely beneficial and you will notice it throughout the game that they are.
Congratulations you have now unlocked your first land expansion, you will find this in your inventory which should be glowing and noticeable on your screen, if not of course this is where it is.
It is now of course your decision where to place this, it is locked to a grid on the map like buildings so you cannot make a mistake and you can only place it next to a current piece of unlocked land. It is completely your choice where to place it and i shall leave that decision to you, however think carefully because later on in the game these technologies become harder to unlock so you need to think strategically where you place it.
Now the first province (Dunarsund) is relatively easy and simple to conquer so I shall not give any tips. however when you conquer this first province it unlocks a resource specific to that area. You are able to then utilise this resource and produce Goods, these also do not spoil like gold. It is random what resource each player gets first time, but each player must research the correct goods building in relevance to their resource to produce a mass amount of goods. You can still produce a certain good without the resource but at a substantially lower output.
Oh and to everyone who is like me and prefers the sweet and soulful tunes of Avenged Sevenfold in the background instead of the in-game music this is simply solved with the two mute buttons at the bottom.
Once you have conquered your first province and if you are doing the side quests at a similar pace to myself the side quest will ask you to infiltrate a province. Now if you have scouted Tyr or Fel Dranghyr like me you will be sat there wondering “Why should I infiltrate for a 100 gold when it shows the troops already?” of course you will do it anyway for the side-quest however there is another perk for infiltrating anyway. If you do not notice before you infiltrate this is how it looks before you infiltrate
However once you infiltrate you see this
Each enemy unit takes one damage, now I believe this is worth it for any and all battles just for 100 gold to give you a nice little edge over your enemy
Sometimes when you scout your second province this can happen, Multiple Goods Deposit
This is not a bug but it is a known problem, don’t worry about it because you can just be unlucky its all down to chance.
Right back again to research, by now I am currently up to here and this is just a suggestive path of which to follow but I think is most beneficial. Research Path
As you can see I chose to research Construction, the reason I did this was to research Tools as I believe early land expansion is beneficial to maximise output and production as much as you can. I have also begun to research slingers because until you reach Archers later on in the game you will not find a better unit at dealing damage, especially if you use their range to perfection.
If you are managing to utilise the space following somewhat to my guide your town my look like mine right now
Or it might not, either way I am utilising my space to the best way I can see at this moment in time of the game.
Another thing to do is to continually recruit Spearfighters where you can! you will lose a few taking over the next few provinces and they are your only troop until you reach slingers so if you tend to rush like me they are all you have. Until you reach soldiers there is not really another troop to replace a spearfighter, sure you can try tactics with a warrior or a horseman but in reality there is nothing simpler or easier then just using a spearfighter.
Once you reach Slingers get building them! They are the first ranged unit of the game and are extremely useful if used correctly in battle. Here is an Example of slingers being used correctly, as you can see they took no damage in the battle, this is because I used my spearfighters as a buffer to do all the melee combat and kept the ranged units further back and used their range successfully against my opponents, this is useful when fighting stronger aged units.
I have also been asked to explain the PVP Tower, which you first encounter on the province of Hymir. Basically the PVP Tower shows the competition between players for the specific age of troops that you fight with, now the first tower you encounter is of course for the Bronze age and each subsequent tower you encounter if for each subsequent age. This is what you see once you unlock the tower for your age, it gives a detailed pop-up of your battles so far.
Once you’ve conquered a province with a PvP tower, you get credited the battle-points you’ve collected so far with the respective troops. So if you are fighting with Iron Age troops only your Iron Age pvp tower is credited with points. You see battle-points when you finish a battle, they are shown in your Battle Report.
Now i am going to focus on some research methods and how you should research. More specifically what you should research, if we are talking about Goods then you should of course if possible research for the good you unlock in your first territory. For me that was trees so the obvious one to go for was Woodwork and I also did Stonework as well because the expansion unlock afterwards does not involve Diamonds to unlock.
I skipped Growing until later on but this is a necessary unlock because once you reach the Iron Age you will need 6 Wine to unlock the Militia which are soldiers. Soldiers are better then Spearfighters and the replacement and upgrade for that unit.
I did the Horseback Riding upgrade however that was purely to advance in technologies, they are generally a useless unit and I would not commender building them unless you fancy trying to develop a successful tactic with them.
Another useless (in my eyes, you can think differently) research that is necessary is the Phalanx. Some people may say they are better then the spearfighter however I disagree and find them expensive and slow to build when you can simply go on with the spearfighter.
Again Stone Throwers are also pretty much useless and a rather unneeded unit so once again I recommend to not even bother with them.
Thatched Houses are an upgrade which suites the less active player, if you know you can only check the game over periods of time it is better to have this upgrade so you can gain a larger coin income then simply getting a lesser amount then from the Hut. Now what is necessary to remember when you build new houses is that they provide more population which of course requires more happiness so make sure you can compensate for this. The same can be said for a Chalet for even longer periods of time, this is a perfect example of how the Enthusiastic Population boost comes into effect, the normal output is 80 gold however with the boost is is 96 gold. If you have 10 of these over 4 hours producing that you receive a 960 gold boost every 4 hours which is a nice little boost when you are not as active as you wish you could be.
Paths is an extremely beneficial early game upgrade. Each Path provides you with bonus happiness so it is extremely recommended to replace your trails with paths as soon as you can. As you progress further in the game you get further upgrades which are again extremely beneficial.
Smithery is also an extremely useful research, when you look at the Blacksmith at first you may feel its a small production rate however it is its size which is key and extremely beneficial for us because we have a very limited space to work with.
Now I shall move on, sometimes when you login you will see this pop-up. This is to say you have been attacked by another player, now there is no need to worry at this moment in time of the game your troops do not suffer any casualties however if you attack a player back and lose troops those troops will die.
Now some upgrades require things other then coins and supplies to unlock, I have previously mentioned diamonds but some also require goods. The first upgrade I came across was Architecture which requires 5 stone to unlock. This of course requires the corresponding goods building to unlock this by creating the specific good, the building in this case is of course the Stone Mason and remember you can still produce goods even if you have not got the product yet just at a smaller, slower and more expensive rate. However the amount needed can be produced within two days and you can get 2 extra if you are using the happiness bonus.
To ensure in future you have the right Goods for future researches it is best to maximise goods production where you can. Here is an Example of mine at the moment, the 3 buildings Circled are a Vineyard which is necessary for Soldiers, a Stone Mason which is necessary for Architecture and a Dye Works which I am simply stockpiling goods as shown with my Lumber. It is extremely useful and saves you producing in the future and being stuck on research. Play On Home Page
Felspire is a free-to-Play browser game that is pretty hot among RPG players right now. A short half an hour of gameplay will completely immerse players in the fantasy word of Emeros. It is easy to see why this game is popular. Felspire contains many exciting quests and dungeons to complete. There are hundreds of ways to improve and customize to create unique characters. Felspire play mechanics are designed to be very rookie-friendly but also offers enough in-depth content to satisfy even the most hardcore RPG gamer out there. Until lvl.100, players can level up very quick through completing the main quests. After which, one might need to start thinking about how to level up faster in order to achieve class advancement and unlock even more gameplay features. When a player level is above 200, many of main quests require the character to reach a certain level before being able to continue. Don’t want to be stuck in one place? This article will give tips regarding how to level up as quickly as possible. 1. Download and play via the mini-client to easily enjoy 10% extra EXP per kill! 2. Daily quest are strongly recommended to be the first thing to do upon launching Felspire. Not only because they give a fair amount of EXP upon completion, but also provide a 1.5X EXP Potion, which lasts for 1 hour. 3. The Kill streak system gives extra experience for killing monsters in succession. For example, when the kill streak is more than 100 an extra 20% EXP will be given. The higher the kill steak, the more extra EXP given. This is very useful for when you are facing a big group of creatures. 4. Teaming up with other players can receive up to 30% additional EXP if the teammates are all on the same map. This benefit is particularity useful for BOSS fights and special dungeons. 5. The Companion, Panda gives 50% extra EXP. Panda can be obtained in the early stage of the game via completing main quests; however it only lasts for a certain period of time. After which players may purchase Panda from the in-game mall. 6. According to the servers world level (average lvl. of top 30 players) players with levels lower than that of the world level but higher than lvl.160 can enjoy a certain percent of extra EXP when killing creatures. Players can also claim free EXP daily via the retrieve panel. Here players can also spend gold to get double EXP which is recommended because a little gold can buy a large amount of EXP. Players can also spend diamonds to get 10 times or 20 times EXP.
7. Praying is another efficient way to get Extra EXP. Players can get large amount of EXP by spending diamonds or B-diamonds. But this doesn’t mean players must recharge to use this feature because B-diamonds can easily be gained everyday by completing quests and claiming the AP rewards which contain B-diamonds. Normally playing for about half hour around a player could claim 20 B-diamonds. 8. If you are strong enough to join one of the top 3 guilds then participating in the GvG battles is another way to boost your EXP. Apart from the spoils of the battle, there are several areas that give you 5X, 10X, 15X and even up to 20X EXP per 15 seconds. Areas with more EXP are more dangerous and just bear in mind that EXP potions don’t have any effect during GvG battles. 9. Dungeons are definitely a good way to get a great amount of EXP. Demon Abyss and Temple of Death are best places to level before reaching lvl.200. After lvl.200, tickets to these two Dungeons are not easy to get. Players could join a guild and take on the guild Realm Dungeons, here abundant EXP and rare loot awaits. 10. Finally, becoming a VIP is an efficient way to level up quickly. Every VIP enjoys 50% extra EXP. Should a player wish to progress more quickly and obtain exclusive item and gears, then it is a good idea to give VIP a try. Gear For Armour, the stat you most want is -4% Damage. The reason this stat is the best is because it takes a percentage directly out of the damage they do. The way that this stat stacks is multiplicatively. This means if you have 3 pieces of armour that have -4% damage on them, you would take a total of 88.4736% damage. You normally take 100% of damage. The first piece makes you only take 96% damage, since 4 * 1 = 4, and 100-4 = 96. Then you multiply the next reduction by your total damage reduction as a percent, then subtract that. Meaning your next gear will be 4 * .96 (this is the total reduction already calculated as a decimal) = 3.84. 96 - 3.84 = 92.16 etc The next two important stats are Dodge, then reflect. If you have no pieces of dodge gear equipped, and look at your dodge stat, then that is your base dodge. Each gear with +10% Dodge on it gives 10% of your base dodge. If your base dodge is 1000, and you equip 1 dodge item, you will have 1100 dodge. 2 items will give 1200 dodge, etc. Reflic just adds more damage, since if you are hitting something, it is likely hitting you. +MP is bad because with how low spell costs are and the abundance of MP pots, you do not need higher base MP. +HP is bad because HP does not help as much as you would think. Players will be hitting you for around 7k damage, which means having another 500HP from gear will help you survive another 0 attacks. +Gold Dropped from monsters is bad because only about 5% of your total gold comes from monsters.
For offensive weapons, the best stats are Attack Speed, then Deadly, then +ATK. Attack Speed increases how fast you can attack. With how attack speed works in the game, +7 aspd = +7% damage if you have 100 aspd. If you have 140 aspd, another 7 would give you 5% damage. Deadly is a really large crit that does 150% total damage. (Vital is max damage, so if your damage is 700-1100, vital will do 1100). Slay is 300% total damage. Fatal is 1000% (this is untested, and just an estimate) total damage. Also, all of these can stack. Anyways, since Deadly adds 50% damage, a 10% chance to proc deadly adds 5% total damage. +ATK just adds straight attack, so it's useful if you cannot get the other two stats. HPK and MPK are relatively useless since anything you will be have trouble with is 1 or 2 enemies, so getting health or mana on a kill does not help you at all. Stats & Cores HP: As previously explained, HP is generally useless. Even against bosses. Since bosses do sustained damage over time, you need to take less damage, instead of having a higher damage threshold. Having more HP just makes you live for a second longer, it does not help you tank the boss. Def and -Dmg: Defense is a form of -%dmg itself, but we do not yet know how much it reduces damage. However we do know that 100 defense will prevent more than 100 damage. This means that defense is better than -damage (this is flatdamage reduction, not percentage). Atk and +Dmg: Each stat has its pros and cons. Attack gets multiplied by your attack bonus from skills. So if you have a skill that does 300% attack, 100 attack does 300 damage. However, attack is reduced by defense. +Damage is not multiplied by the attack bonus from skills, so +100 damage does only do 100 damage, but, it is not reduced by defense. This means against targets with high defense, +damage is better, but against targets with low defense +attack is better. However, the amount of defense will have to be really high for this to be true. +Atk is generally better. BOTH +ATK AND +DMG ARE REDUCED BY -%DMG. Dodge and Hit: There is very little known about the exact numbers for these stats. Having +Hit increases the chance your opponent will not dodge, and having dodge increases the chance you will dodge. Although if you have 50k hit, and your opponent has 500 dodge, there is still a chance that they will dodge. However, no matter what do not use a +hit core. What it gives effects your chance to hit by a very tiny amount.
Refining This will be pretty straight forward. The most important is Wings, since wings give +% dmg and =%dmg. Next important is Boots, since they give move speed. Then next is either weapon or accessories, depending on whether you have a +% weapon damage core or if you have a + % accessory damage core. If you have neither core, refine the accessories. The hat is the least important, since it gives you health. Spending Diamonds The best way to spend your diamonds is VIP > Invest > Panda > Auction. Buying anything else with diamonds helps, but you will not get as much out of your diamonds. Buy VIP, then invest, then get a panda, then put the rest of your diamonds into auctions. If you will not be recharging again and want to still have a panda after 20 days, save enough diamonds to buy another. Improving CP CP itself is a completely meaningless stat. The only thing CP does is provide a number to use for ranking players and guilds. CP is suppose to be an estimate of a players power, but it tends to be quite inaccurate. However, if a player has 50k more CP than you, they can probably easily kill you. To increase your CP, there are a few things you can do. The most noticible is to improve your pet. I have 160k CP at the time of writing this. My pet gives 60k CP. This means more than a third of my CP comes from my pet. The next noticible CP booster (and the easiest to increase) is the gallery. If you get every Boss Card up to Archfiend, and have most of the Rares, then your Gallery CP should give you around 45k CP at gallery level 30+. That is a huge boost. Just getting one Boss Card gives you thousands of CP. The next best thing to boost CP is Constellations. This is required to be done 20 times before you can do your third advance, and each time you upgrade your constellation you get a few thousand CP. You'll earn about 50k CP when you advance.
There are many different ways to quickly level in Felspire. But level is not the only thing. To become all-rounded warrior players need to refine gear, upgrade mounts, train pets, smelt relic, obtain cores, and learn skills, increase guilds reputation and more. Anyway, enjoying the journey with your good buddies in Felspire is the most important thing. Good luck warriors!
Drakensang Online is an action RPG from Bigpoint, and is playable in your browser. As a freedom fighter, it is your duty to bring freedom to your people and for the world. Freedom fighting is tiresome, and often difficult, but with Gamezebo’s quick start guide you’ll have no problem getting going.
The first action we’ll need to take to start playing Drakensang Online is to head over to the game’s official website. Click the “Play Now” button at the top of this screen to go there now.
When you log in to with your account, a server selection window will pop-up. You can select one of the displayed servers to play on. Currently there are 3 servers available: Agathon (US-East), Tegan (US-West) and Heredur (EU). Once you select your server you will be taken to the player backpage; from here you can start the game client, review character data, invite friends to play DSO and add more andermant to your character.
Character Creation Creating a character is an easy process. The first time you log into a server, you will taken to the character creation screen. Here you can choose to be a Dragonknight or a Spellweaver, character name (Forum/Chat rules still apply to names), body type and hairstyle. Dragonknight or Spellweaver - which is better? It really comes down to preference of combat style. Dragonknights are melee fighters, so expect lots of close combat with swords and shields. Spellweavers harness the mystical arts to blast their enemies from a distance.
First Steps In Drakensang Online While gameplay in DSO is fairly simple to learn, it wouldn't hurt to spend a few minutes familiarizing yourself with the interface before diving into the gameplay. Movement – You can move your character to a specific location by clicking anywhere on the ground with your LMB. Or you can hold down your LMB to continually move in the direction of the cursor. Hotkeys and Controls – These allow you quick control over the menus and gameplay. Action bar hotkeys: 1-6 - Activates the skill placed in the corresponding action bar slot. LMB - Activates the skill placed in this action bar slot. RMB – Activates the skill placed in this action bar slot. TAB – Swaps the skill placed in the TAB slot with the skill placed in the RMB slot. Other hotkeys: I – Opens the Inventory window. C – Opens the Character window. S – Opens the Skills window. Q – Opens the Quests window. T – Opens the Shop window. M - Opens the zone map overlay. CTRL+M – Pulls up the world map window. SHIFT – Holding shift will root the character in place. This allows you to attack and not worry about accidentally moving; more a benefit to ranged classes, but still useful to melee classes in some situations. ENTER – Switches focus to the chat window. Opens the chat window if it is minimized. Action Bar – The centerpiece of the interface. Displays health bar, mana/rage bar, hotkeys, experience bar and is the anchor for the chat window. Menu Buttons:
Shop - A buy-only shop accessible from anywhere. Quest Log - Lists all active quests you are doing. Skills - Shows all learned skill information and upgrades. Character - Displays informative information about your character. Inventory - Shows your equipped items as well as your storage bags. Options - Allows you to adjust graphic and sound options. Map - Displays the zone map overlay on the screen. Social - Coming soon! Purchase Andermant - Opens a new window that allows you to add andermant to your character. Logout - Logs you out of the game. Docked - Stretches the game window to fill your desktop. Fullscreen - Switches the game window to fullscreen with no window borders. Essence Bar Displays your current essence supply to be used by your special skills. These are irrelevant until a few levels in to the game, when you first unlock Lightning Strike and others. When used, those skills will consume essence. If you run out of essence, the basic skill will be used instead automatically. Quests Once you start the game, you are presented with a quest giver nearby named Valery. She will have a blue '!' over her head. This indicates that she has a quest that you are eligible to begin. Click on Valery with your LMB to open her dialog window. Select The Path of Destiny quest. This now shows you the quest information, quest objectives and the rewards for completing this quest. Click Accept to take the quest.
If you open your Quest Log, you will now see The Path of Destiny listed there. If you click on that, you will see the same quest information displayed underneath that you just learned from the quest giver, in case you forget what you need to do. In this instance, to complete The Path of Destiny, proceed further up the road and look for Urda. She will have a blue '?' over her head, this signifies that she is the finish point for a quest (it can also mean that NPC is a person of interest that you need to talk to, but not in this situation). Talk to Urda and select The Path of Destiny to open the quest completion dialog. Here you can read what Urda has to say, review the quest rewards and when finished, click the Complete button to finish the quest. Most times that you hand in a quest, that person will also provide you with a new quest. The more quests you perform, the more will become available to you. On to the good stuff... Combat! Throughout the beginning zone, Pilgrim's Path, you only have access to the default attack for your chosen class; Basic Attack for Dragonknights and Magic Strike for Spellweavers. Once you get to the first town, Grimsford, you will begin to have access to new abilities and more powerful versions of your skills. For now, the default attack will be bound to your LMB button (you can change this, but it's not recommended) To attack enemies, or mobs as they are called in most MMOs, simply click on the mob with your LMB to target and attack – Spellweavers will stop and fire, while Dragonknights will approach the mob and then attack with a weapon. If you hold down LMB after clicking on a mob, you will continue to attack it until it is dead.
Loot As you continue to kill mobs, each one has a chance to drop loot that you can then pick up. Simply click the loot on the ground with your LMB to pick it up; it will then either be in your Inventory or automatically equipped on your character. Common loot types are gold, andermant, essence, potions, weapons and armor/equipment. Quest items can also drop from select mobs if you have a related quest in your Quest Log, these items commonly have a light blue glow surrounding them and usually look like pots and chests. If your bags are full, you will not be able to pick up anymore loot. You can either head back to town to sell of unwanted items, or invest in more bag slots through the Shop button. But eventually you will have to sell items no matter how much bag space you have. Equipping items Once you have picked up or purchased some new equipment, you can then equip this on your character in the Inventory window. Double click on the item you want to equip, or you can drag and drop it from your bags to the appropriate slot on your character above. Un-equiping items works the same way. Changing Zones To access another zone click on the blue glowing arrow. In regards to Pilgrim's Path, there is only one exit from this zone, which leads you into the first town of Grimford. Later zones are much larger, with multiple spots to enter other zones, towns and dungeons.
Towns Towns are a safe haven. Here you can buy and sell items, learn new skills, embark on new quests or even just sit and chat and meet your fellow adventurers. Most of the traders around towns have the same items that are available through your Shop button, but they are still handy since you can still sell them your unwanted items. The Blacksmith is unique; his items (weapons and armor) can only be purchased through him, and he is the only trader that can repair your damaged gear. Dungeons Unlike the rest of Drakensang Online, dungeons are the only zones that are seperated from the rest of the players. When you enter a dungeon, that is your own private dungeon until you leave. If you are in a group when entering a dungeon, the rest of your group will be able to join you inside. Dungeons also have a difficulty setting. Normal is the basic version of a dungeon, while Difficult is for much higher level players to re-experience earlier content again.